The falconeer length
The falconeer length

The X-Wing project really helped Andre and I refine a workflow to truly nail the proportions of a model and the tracking points for reference. Or in some cases the Sean model, or the Stu model, etc…

the falconeer length


Fusion 360 keeps internal version numbers – but that is every single save – otherwise, we do our own mile-stoning duplicate the working file, and dump it into an archive to have more discrete checkpoints. I thought it would be fun to superimpose all our key milestones. And then there’s the quad-cannons, docking arms, jaw boxes, docking rings, and on and on. And hundreds more if you factor in the progression of the subassemblies – I think our upper gun platform revisions alone were in the upper-fifties before we were happy with them. In aggregate we’ve done hundreds of iterations over the six years. I keep a digital twin reference model of every team members’ build in case we need to go back and pull a specific dimension or reference. That’s version 17 of his Falcon model (which currently sits a v22). Stu mentioned he was using version seventeen. Yearly (or more) snapshots of our iterative process He reworked as much as he could in real-time, but otherwise plowed through as only Sean can, and we rolled as much knowledge into the next rev of CAD in his wake. As he built, he let us know where we were wrong (and right). Millennium Falcon by Sean Sides premiering next to the restored Dykstraflex motion control camera used to film the original Star Wars miniatures. We did most of this on Slack – and some 50,000 messages (mostly “LOL”) and several gigabytes of photos and files later, Sean has a fully realized Falcon, and Stu (by his own best guess) is three-fourths through his. Identifying new donor parts, trying to figure out the proportions of things, etc. Sean Sides, Stu Brown, Doug Maio, Andre Bustanoby, and myself would spend the next six years together chatting about all things Falcon.

the falconeer length

This got the attention of a few fellow Falconers and our little family was born. In April 2015, Andre and I “published” our first drafts of a blueprint for the Falcon.

The falconeer length